2021考研真题答案及解析>>免费领直播课 | |||
公共课 | 政治 | 英语一 | 英语二 |
数学一 | 数学二 | 数学三 |
1. 定话题:首先通过“文字 + 漫画内容 + 常考方向(精神>文化 = 科技>社会现象)” 【三步法】确立文章的方向和话题(精神类:追求自己的喜好),这里重点要关注父亲说的话,通过父亲说的话可以反映出核心主题。需要考生平时多训练找话题的能力,多关注文字本身,而非漫画具体画的细节。
2. 找素材:考生接下来要找到面图的素材“核心事物 + 地点 + 动作”,找的时候切记:描图的目的是为了引出话题,所以如果漫画中太细的素材不会写,可以换成能够引出话题的素材。核心事物(男孩)+地点(影院)+动作(说他很多朋友认为戏剧不有趣)+次要事物(男孩的父亲鼓励他追求自己喜欢的)。
3. 确立文章的主旨(好)
4. 明确论点和展开论证的思路。考生可以通过中间段的框架和素材以及语料来完成整个中间段。明确是精神类后,可以把素材拼凑一下。“这个话题有利于什么方面?”(可以选择个人梦想的实现è获得机会;个人成功è获得认可)
5. 结尾段中规中矩“重申主旨 + 提建议 + 展望”即可,可以套用精神类的结尾段。
As is subtly depicted in the cartoon, in the theatre stands a young boy who wears traditional costume, delivering a message that his friends view the traditional drama a boring hobby, but his father encourages him to pursue what he is interested in. Simple as the picture seems, the meaning behind it is far-reaching. It reveals a social phenomenon that a growing number of youngsters tend to get affected by those around rather than stick to own choice.
The gist conveyed by the cartoon is apparent that youngsters should insist on their own decision and strive for it. For one thing, it is beyond dispute that holding by your interests and make efforts contributes significantly to the fulfillment of personal dream and ambition. If a person always follows and imitates others blindly, he would never gain opportunities in this day and age. Another aspect that can be easily seen is that staying true to yourself lays a solid foundation on personal growth and triumph. For instance, it is choosing own suitable path and struggle for it that enables you to win the recognition from general public.
From what has been discussed above, everyone, especially young people, ought to insist on his own determination and make great efforts. Only by putting emphasis on your interests could you gain a competitive edge over peers in the future.
新东方教师直播解析2021考研答案>>免费领直播课 | |||
专业课 | 管理类联考 | 西医综合 | 中医综合 |
法硕 | 法硕非法学 | 计算机 | |
教育学 | 历史学 | 心理学 | |
经济学 | 农学 | 二外日语 |